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File Name Description
averypar.gif Avery the Chameleon remembering her parents
marsnvenus.gif Mars and Venus, fraturnal twinz, don't ask me.. they just are! ^.~
zorana.gif Little Zora-Na, Kathryn-Na's 4-year-old daughter
mars.gif a nice pic of Mars
kathynzorana.gif Kathryn and Zora-Na enjoying ice cream ^_^
knj_kiss.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) Chris Allan's kissing pic really disappointed me.... I can do a better kissing pic than that... and i DID too :P - knj_kiss
knucklesnjuliesu.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) sketch of Knuckles and Julie-Su - knucklesnjuliesu
judynt2.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) Judy-Su and T2 - judynt2
julient2.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) Julie-Su and T2 - julient2
marsnvenus.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) well i decided to make Venus an echidna instead of a hedgehog (cuz echidnas r EZier to draw than hedgehogs :P), plus i also decided to draw her and Mars as little kids from now on (cuz kids r so darn kawaii! :) here they r playing with their pet wolf cub Zev  - marsnvenus
zorana.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) it's Kathryn-Na's daughter Zora-Na again ^^  - zorana
knucklesnlarasu.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) Knuckles and his future daughter Lara-Su (from K:20YL) spending some time together :) - knucklesnlarasu
